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Reprints and Permissions


Reprints of a single article may be purchased through the Department of Publications at Joint Commission Resources. To order reprints, please send a completed Reprint Form with your payment (payable to Joint Commission Resources) to:

Department of Publications
Joint Commission Resources, Inc.
16427 Collection Center Drive
Chicago, IL 60693

Reprint Form

You will be contacted within five to ten business days with a response to your request and should receive your reprints within four weeks.

Note: The minimum order for reprints is 100 copies. For smaller orders or to obtain a single copy of an article contact the Permissions Editor, in the Department of Publications at 630.792.5441, by fax at 630.792.4441, or via email at the below mailbox. Permission approval or denial will be communicated via email.


Joint Commission Resources, Inc. is the sole authorized publisher of all publications and multimedia products available under the trademark further known as Joint Commission Resources. Joint Commission Resources’ policy for photocopying or reuse of copyrighted material covers accreditation manuals, general publications, and periodicals. No changes in, additions to, or deletions from the copied or reused text should be made without prior written approval of Joint Commission Resources. Permission applies only to the material specified in correspondence. New requests should be made for subsequent use or for other uses of material.

Organizations that want to make photocopies or reproduce material in another publication must request permission to do so. Written requests should be mailed, faxed, or emailed to the Permissions Editor at Joint Commission Resources. Download the Permissions Form, then print out (or email) and include a cover letter on your organization's letterhead when requesting permission.

Permissions Form

Accreditation Manuals

Accredited organizations may make up to ten free copies of their accreditation manual with permission. Organizations seeking accreditation will receive a complimentary copy of the most current accreditation manual. When an organization’s application has been received, the organization may make up to ten free copies of the manual with permission. The number of copies they can make does not relate to the number of copies they have purchased — ten copies per organization is the limit. Organizations that are not accredited or that are not seeking accreditation are not entitled to make free photocopies, nor to copy any manual or publication in its entirety for educational or publication use.

An organization accredited by The Joint Commission® may make more than ten photocopies per manual for a fee that is one third of the selling price of the manual.

For educational purposes, an accredited organization may copy up to 25 pages of an accreditation manual for distribution to staff. This can be done periodically throughout the year without having to obtain permission from Joint Commission Resources.

User manuals for automated accreditation products may be copied with permission without fee.

Any non-accredited organization may request permission to copy parts of any accreditation manual for educational or publication use. Fees will be assigned for such use.


Joint Commission Resources' general publications, with few exceptions, may not be copied in their entirety. Organizations can request permission to reproduce illustrations, sections, or chapters of general publications. Permission may be granted with fees assigned at the discretion of the publisher. Permission will not be granted for material that would constitute the majority of such publication.

Accredited organizations, or those seeking accreditation, may request and receive permission to copy (with a fee) in its entirety any of the Accreditation Process Guides or Compliance Assessment Checklists.


Any organization may request permission to reproduce for educational or publication use article(s) from Joint Commission Resources periodicals. Such permission may be granted with a fee at the discretion of the publisher.

Automated Products

In general, permission will not be granted to reproduce software products such as Accreditation Manager Plus. Customers who inquire about duplicating automated products will be encouraged to purchase a site license that allows unlimited distribution within a facility.

As stated previously, user manuals for automated accreditation products may be copied with permission without fee.

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to Permissions Editor, in the Department of Publications via email below. Permission approval or denial will be communicated via email.